ICUTracker Helps Ventura
County Medical Center
Win Top Honors in Quality
Leader Awards
"Improving Critical Care Outcomes – the Future of ICU Data
Collection and Analysis" was a Top Honors winner in the
California Association of Public Hospitals/SafetyNet
Institute (CAPH/SNI)
VCMC used web-based ICUTracker to automate data gathering
activities, allowing more time for analyzing ICU outcomes
data, and thus optimizing ICU quality and performance.
Prior to implementing ICUTracker, VCMC’s ICU had instituted
best-practices protocols/bundles and was gathering
information daily. But their staff was drowning in mountains
of hand-gathered data without the time or resources to
analyze whether the many ‘improvements’ they had undertaken
were actually having a positive effect on our patient
outcomes. In their last quarters of the 2-year grant (ending
December 2009) VCMC, along with ICUTracker, have taken an
existing program to the next level and created a totally
automated data collection and analysis system for ICU.
According to VCMC, they, along with MAS, feel that they have
blazed a trail for other ICUs to follow and that this is
definitely the wave of the future in automated hospital data
collection – a necessary step that must eventually be faced
by all hospitals - not only to meet regulatory requirements
but to assure quality patient care. |