ICUTracker outcomes software
automatically collects billing, lab, ADT
and pharmacy information together in one
easy-to-use package. The comments below
are just some of the reasons ICUs are
switching from Project Impact (now
Cerner Critical Outcomes) software and
alternative data collection methods to
“Project Impact was too labor intensive
to be practical —
with ICUTracker we now
see 100% of our data and it’s collected
automatically, not manually."
ICUTracker software, clinicians could
look closely at their aggregate patient
data and noticed that the ventilator
data seemed wrong. Upon further
investigation they realized that the
ventilator billing was incomplete,
resulting in significant lost revenue to
the hospital."
extensive manual collection required for
Project Impact forced Quality to look at
only a random sample of their patient
data. With ICUTracker Quality gets 100%
of the data,
most of it automatically,
allowing near-time outcomes monitoring."